Weight Loss Books
Best Weight Loss Books?
Are you on a diet? Looking to start a diet or just been unsuccessful with one? Are you hunting around for what you perceive to be the best weight loss dieting book?
There are a variety of so-called weight loss diet books on the market, with each claiming to have the winning formula to successfully losing weight. But, how do you go about identifying which is genuinely the best weight loss book that works?
I know just what you need, however, before I tell you what it
is, bear with me while I share with you the reasons why I believe this inspirational and body image book might be right
for you!
Invariably, many weight loss books or diet books can give the illusion that if you eat and do x y z, you will somehow
magically drop 2-3 dress sizes within a specified period of time. If only life were that simple!
There are far more dynamics to a weight loss diet than simply dieting and exercising! The key to this statement is spelled out below as we unravel what countless weight loss books fail to do!
Most weight loss books are primarily about one fad diet or another, even those that appear more grounded in the realities of healthy weight losss, often fail to go beyond telling you the obvious about refusing unhealty food choices; the importance of physical exercise; and the need for discipline and consistency. It is as if these variables alone constitute the magical formula for successfully losing weight.
The reality is, that there is no such thing as a 'miracle weight loss diet' nor, magical weight loss books. If you genuinely want to lose weight healthily; to understand the dynamics which have prevented
or can prevent you from doing so; and how to overcome these for successful weightloss, read on!
In her compelling book:
A Waist Is a Terrible Thing to Mind: Loving Your Body, Accepting Yourself, and Living Without Regret
By Karen Scalf Linamen / WaterBrook Press
Get to Know the new, improved, imperfect you! Are you on a diet? Have you failed at losing weight? Or perhaps in frustration, you've sworn off dieting forever. Author Karen Linamen has done all three! With humor and practical insight, she shows you how to
refuse unhealthy food choices, reverse ineffective coping strategies, shut out negative social pressures, heal emotional wounds, and value yourself the way God does. Paperback. |
This excellent book is not just another weight loss book! A Waist Is A Terrible Thing To Mind tackle a real issue of Why body image is such a struggle for women. This is approached from two broad fundamental perspectives: these are:
Society's definition and perspective of body image and
The many different factors which cause women to gain weight
Society's Definition And Perspective Of 'Healthy' Body Image And Beauty
Linamen explores how women battle with society's definition of, and obsession with beauty and the perfect skinny body image
which women struggle with - even where women might not even have a weight issue.
Different Factors Which Cause Women To Gain Weight
Linamen further point to countless other factors working against
women to make them gain weight, such as metabolism, stress, personal circumstances etc., But perhaps the biggest culprits are the food and restaurant establishments/ industries.
Linamen explains how they work against women, by seducing us into eating too much, leading to all manner of
food mis-use, dieting issues and causing us to feel bad or confused about our body/image.
Written in plain English from a very humorous though, thought-
provoking and authorative slant, these two broad perspectives are explored to the extent where you literally feel the light bulb go on!
Understand these two perspectives of society's expectation,
the many variables that expose us women to weight gain and you are three quarters of the way to successful, sustained weight loss and self love!
The book can't help but make you connect with your appreciation of the sad reality why many women turn to cosmetic surgery, even risky procedures and other radical forms of body make-overs to get closer to society's expectation; all of which seldom work.
As Karen Linamen put it, no matter how close we come to society's expectation, women who take such radical steps to make themselves feel better, do so without much profit.
Why does these drastic steps seldom work? Because in reality, before we can work on the external aspects of ourself,
we first need to work on our internal self with a view to making peace with ourselves and coming to terms with what and who
we are!
A Waist Is A Terrible Thing To Mind is not just another one of those 'read it and put it on the shelf'
kind of weight loss books. It is in a class of its own by virtue
of the fact that it does not merely look at the symptoms but help women to understand key important issues on a deeper level. In this sense, it tackles the underlying health, womens health issues and
barriers, unlike many weight loss books.
Although there is strong emphasis in this weightloss book on healthy eating and fitness, surprisingly, these two concepts are not in conflict with Linamen's stance on the need to love and accept yourself for who you are!
In addition to showing you practically how to
confidently refuse unhealthy food choices, you will be shown:
Powerful techniques to reverse ineffective coping strategies
How to shut out negative social pressures
How to heal emotional wounds, and
How to truly value yourself
So please ignore all the hype surrounding the vast majority of weight loss books. A Waist Is A Terrible Thing To Mind is one of the best inspirational weight loss books and Health Womens Healthy Living Goals is happy to recommend it to our readers!
Used in combination with the personal goal setting resources and tools on the Health Womens Healthy Living Goals web site,
and you have a powerhouse of healthy weight loss tools, which
will set you above the rest!
A Waist Is a Terrible Thing to Mind: Loving Your Body, Accepting Yourself, and Living Without Regret
By Karen Scalf Linamen / WaterBrook Press
Get to Know the new, improved, imperfect you! Are you on a diet? Have you failed at losing weight? Or perhaps in frustration, you've sworn off dieting forever. Author Karen Linamen has done all three! With humor and practical insight, she shows you how to refuse unhealthy food choices, reverse ineffective coping strategies, shut out negative social pressures, heal emotional wounds, and value yourself the way God does. Paperback. |
"Have the courage to act on your dreams - leave behind you the internal forces that hold you back"
. (Unknown)
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Have other dieting approaches proved unsuccessful for you? A review of the Medifast weight loss program and its effectiveness in helping people to lose weight
Weightloss Exercise
Your guide to various weight loss and exercise solutions, whether you choose the do-it-yourself route or opt to join a gym, Health Womens Healthy Living Goals shows you how!
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Guide to what you can expect from attending weight watcher meetings, prior to signing up
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Here's how to get your free weight watches assessment and access to over 1000 recipes
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Weight Loss Tips
Weight loss exercise tips plus guidance on proven way to set your
diet, exercise weight loss goals
The information on this site is purely of educational value and is not intended to replace your seeking medical advice. You must consult your doctor over all your health concerns.
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