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Everyone need affordable health insurance to protect them healthwise and to give peace of mind. The sad reality is that for many women health insurance is
The need for every woman to have a women's health insurance plan has never been greater. Yet with the rapid and steady growth in care health costs, what are the social and economic implications for women? And more importantly, what are the cost in real health terms?
The last decade in particular, has seen many knowledge-based advances in modern medicine, medical diagnostic, treatment procedures and in women's health.
While health insurance should in effect make these improvements possible for many women, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, millions of women remain uninsured because they cannot afford insurance for their health, despite the very many different private sector and publicly funded insurance programs in the U.S.
Figures from Kaiser Family Foundation shows that over 17 million women are uninsured and between 2003 and 2004, approximately 243,000 more became newly uninsured. Further, 'that lacking an insurance health woman plan will contribute to poorer health outcomes for women and when women are uninsured, they are more likely to:
insurance health woman - reasons for lack of womens health insurance There are various reasons why an insurance health woman plan might be out of reach for many women - poverty being the main reason, Medicaid reports that over half of the non-elderly women in their program, in the age group 19-64 are considered "poor under federal guidelines".
The list of social and economic reasons that block many women from pursuing an insurance health woman plan can range from ethnicity to poor standards of health care or access to appropriate levels of care health for their needs.
The following groups have been documented as being at greater risk for a variety of reasons, since they fall into the most vulnerable category. They include:
Women and health insurance - Are you too strapped for cash?