About health womens healthy living goals site
Hello ladies!
A warm Welcome to the health womens healthy living goals site. Health womens is dedicated to providing information and support on various aspects of womens healthy living.
My name is Olga Graham, (my friends call me Ollie for short)
developer of the health womens healthy living goals site. Before I go on any further about the website, I want to tell you a little about me. Don't worry I won't bore you with ...'A long time ago' stories or with hype.
I am a stay at home married mum since I have 'caring' responsibilities
for our daughter who has learning difficulties. My hubby is a real gem. I call him my 'alternative man' because he is kind, considerate, caring and is in possession of a 'wicked', if a little 'dry' sense of humour. Steady on, before you start thinking I am gloating, he has his 'MAN' moments - you know what I mean!
I have my roots in Social Care and I am also a qualified social care practitioner and life coach. I have always derived great reward and satisfaction from reaching out to people and I aim to do just that with you, - my visitors. I trust you'll find the health womens healthy living goals site useful and meaningful.
What inspired me to do the health womens
healthy living goals site?
A year ago, I was on the brink of achieving one of my goals of setting up my life coaching practice. Having
done all the hard work, the research, networking, my brochures and even having a few clients lined up, wham - nothing short of a tornado
ripped through our lives. Our daughter became gravely ill and ended up in hospital. The doctors were baffled by the many negative test results, yet refused to acknowledge our belief that she might be toxic from one of her anti-epileptic medication. As her condition deteriorated, she was given a bleach type course of anti-viral and anti-bacterial antibiotics which had no impact. We were told in no uncertain terms that she was going to die. Our world completely fell apart and initially, all we could do was to try to get our heads around what the doctors were telling us.
It wasn't long before I switched from a state of absolute powerlessness and fear to one of fighting back. As I saw it, that was the doctors' reality, not ours' nor our daughter's. She's no quitter, but a fighter and as stubborn as a mule (just like me).
Deep in my heart of hearts, I knew that these qualities in her, would be her best chance for survival. With every fibre of my being, I refused to accept what I was being told. To do
that would have meant me believing our daughter wasn't going to make it
and I wasn't about to let her go. Between my husband and I, we stayed with her round the clock. So convinced we were that the doctors had 'written her off' (especially, since she has a learning difficulty), and we were fearful she would not receive the level of care she deserved.
Not surprising, even with our presence, our daughter's treatment left a lot to be desired and I had to assert myself on a number of occasions.
She was slipping away and It was only with my threatening to go to the National Press, that a more positive reaction was provoked. Another (female) doctor was brought in, who insisted our daughter be immediately ventilated in her room and then transferred to intensive
care (where she spent 5 weeks). She ballooned from a skinny size 8 to a size 16 on account of all the fluids which had to be pumped into her.
Despite all the various tests and retests, it turned out that she had in fact been toxic. Her condition had put her into 'status' and she had also developed a huge pneumonia and a number of blood clots in her arm.
Why am I telling you all this? For two reasons. Firstly, to illustrate
the power of belief. I personally
believe that our daughter's fighting spirit and our belief in her, saved her life. I say this because irrespective of the efforts to save her at that later stage. Had she been a quitter, medical effort alone would not have been enough. She bought herself time. The last time she was able to respond to me, she opened her eyes and looked at me. That one look conveyed unspoken words; words that frightened me to the core.
I remember holding her by the shoulders and telling her very firmly 'don't you dare stop fighting, do you hear me!' To this day, I believe with conviction, that what you believe with conviction, becomes your reality.
It would have been so easy to accept what the doctors felt was the enivitable.
A consultant even suggested not reviving her, in the event she should
stop breathing because it would be kinder to her. I'm in very little doubt that the perception of me was one of being an unrealistic mum who
was perhaps too vocal for comfort because I dared to challenge their
authority and decisions concerning our daughter.
You take for granted the fact that you can unquestioningly respect and trust the opinions of experts, of people in the know. Yet it is at times like this when you most need to distinguish between other people's reality and your own. Appearances can be very deceptive and sometimes you have only your 'gut' and the power of your belief to rely on. But trust you must, if you're to weather the ensuing life storm.
A year on, I'm so pleased to say our daughter has made a remarkable and full recovery,
much to the amazement of the doctors. She's also back to giving me 'lip' and 'attitude' - thank heavens for that!
My second reason for sharing our experience with you, is to show you how you can always bounce back from adversity and revise your goal if need be. While my goal of setting up my life coaching practice was still very important to me, it paled in comparison to my need to devote time to our daughter following her discharge from hospital. Creating the health womens healthy living goals site enabled me to practice my coaching - albeit in a much different way.
The experience changed my perspective and
my route to achieving my goal. It drew out my empathy toward other
'mums' and to women in general, - your struggles, the various juggling acts you perform daily, the barriers you encounter
and the outdated stereotypical attitudes, to mention but a few, that so many of us can still encounter in modern day life.
The moral of the story is?... Life can deal some pretty nasty blows when you
least expect them and things will not always go according to plan. This is exactly the same with your life goals. However, it is what you choose to do thereafter, that counts. It's up to you
and you alone, to get back on your feet and march boldly on, even
when you're feeling anything but bold. If you don't take risks, you risk your chances of truly living. As in my case, you may need to make a detour because as you already know, life is not a long, straight nor easy road to travel.
About health womens healthy living goals site
The 'thereafter' for me was to start the health womens healthy living goals site. By doing the web site I could still pursue my goal, albeit via a different route. Working on the health womens healthy living goals site afforded me more flexibility and I could work on the site in my own time; something I couldn't do if I were working directly with clients, since we didn't want our daughter to return to her residential school but to spend quality time with her family while she fully recouperated.
My experience taught me a great deal and perhaps the most important lesson I've learned is that when you choose a path to follow, that is subsequently challenged, interrupted or blocked by crisis or some other life event, perhaps it's divine intervention's way of telling you that while there might not be anything wrong with the destination, you might need to restructure elements of your route, timescale or journey.
How the health womens
healthy living goals site can help you
As a 'Mum' you'll do anything and everything in your power to protect your cub or cubs. Apply even a tiny fraction of that determination and will to yourself, to your goals and you'll go a very very long way!
This is why the concept of health womens healthy living goals site was borne, specifically to inform you honestly about the other crucial aspects of womens health, from a woman's perspective - and most importantly, not merely from a medical angle.
The health womens healthy living goals site differs from other womens health website, in that I aim to provide women with the know how, the tools and the support you need to attain all your personal health goals.
I am no pushover so I'll be very firm with you. But I'll also be kind patient and understanding when you need me to be. I'll help you identify areas of your life that might be out of sync, and how to then draw on your own personal resources,- strengths, skills, insights and qualities so that you can begin your journey toward setting realistic and achievable health goals; whether these be weight loss, self esteem, self improvement, healthy eating or even how to become a better cook! (Steady on! only kidding).
If you've been searching for a women's health website with quality information and support
to help you make your much needed lifestyle change, or still have unanswered questions or more importantly, feel unsupported or have limited support for whatever reason, health womens healthy living goals site is here to help.
I know how difficult it is on us women to run a successful home, look after our family to the best of our ability and all while possibly holding down a full time or part time job as well. Finding time for YOU can be likened to climbing Mount Everest but FIND TIME YOU MUST! If you look after you, then you will be in peak health to look after them.
By peak health I am not only referring to your physical health. Womens healthy living should encompass approximately four broad areas i.e. a healthy eating,
a healthy mental state, healthy physical as well as your natural inner/
outer beauty and attractiveness. Keep these areas in balance and you find you're indeed in the peak of excellent womens health and enjoying the healthy living you so very much deserve. This is the level of support and expertise you can expect from the health womens healthy living goals site.
Making healthy changes are not always as easy to accomplish and especially when you are working toward these changes on your own. Sure, you could buy a book that tells you how. Ultimately however,
your journey could be a lonely one and especially since it will lack
the interaction which can be so very important to motivation.
As a consequence, even the most devoted woman can lose her way, with the risk of goals falling by the wayside. But not you! Not now - when you draw on the Free health resource guidance and goal setting forms you will find throughout the health womens healthy living goals site.
Health womens healthy living goals site - privacy/quality assurance
Anyway, that's enough of me for now. Please enjoy browsing the health womens healthy living goals site and if you like what you read, why not drop me a line and let me know what in particular you appreciate about the website. You are assured absolute Privacy and Confidentiality and that your information will not be sold, rented or divulged to any third parties whatsoever. Likewise, if there is something you would like to see featured on the health womens healthy living goals site, do let me know.
The health womens healthy living goals site is a 'work in progress' project so new information is being added all the time. Please feel free to contribute your ideas for improving or expanding on the website's content.
The health womens healthy living goals site is dedicated to our daughter who inspired it's creation and also to every woman out there - in recognition of your strength, courage and determination.
In the meantime, ENJOY and I'll see you on the other side!
"A woman is like a teabag - you can't
tell how strong she is until she's in hot water"(Nancy Reagan)
The information on this site is purely of educational value and is not intended to replace your seeking medical advice. You must consult your doctor over all your health concerns.
Subscribe to receive your Free 5 Part Mini Course on setting your personal goals, via email. Don't worry, there's no strings attached and I won't bombard you with unsolicited mailings - that's a promise.
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