Mediterranian Diet - A weight loss option?

If you're searching for a healthy eating diet for weight loss, the Mediterranian diet and lifestyle, - you'll be pleased to learn is being hailed as the best two-pronged approach to eating healthily and achieving weight loss.

The healthy eating habits of people of the Mediterranian region has, from 1950's up until recently, been the subject of extensive studies, Since it has been observed that Mediterranian people - and Cretians in particular, had an exceptionally long life expectancy.

Recent research confirms that not only is the Mediterranean diet generally healthy, but it can actually help lower harmful LDL

that can cause heart and other chronic diseases, including cancer. This is in part due to the consumption of olive oil, being one of the key features of the diet.

For many women, healthy dieting for weight loss can be a daunting and somewhat restricting undertaking and especially so if you're following a a low calorie and vegetarian diet. Most diets will involve giving up some foods you're use to eating. Whether it is a low carb diet such as the atkins diet or fad diets, either way you'll most likely have to deprive yourself of some, if not most of the foods you enjoy.

Any diet that involve deprevation in any way shape or form, will lessen your chances of achieving your weight loss diet goal. You're also more likely to regain any lost weight once you've finished your diet and resume normal eating.

This is where the Mediterranean diet approach is a god-send. The mediterranian diet approach consist of healthy eating, healthy lifestyle, weight loss and weight maintenance, without having to resort to starvation diets.

If you're looking for a healthy diet that ticks all the boxes, then you can do no better than the Mediterranean diet approach. This healthy food diet is:

NOT a low fat diet

NOT a starvation diet

NOT a low carb diet

NOT related to taking diet pills

Is ideal for vegetarians

The Mediterranian diet approach promotes both weight loss and a healthy lifestyle of regular activity, enabling you to achieve your health, fitness and weightloss goals. Visit: Mediterranean Diet For Weight Loss to learn more about how you can achieve your healthy eating goals the Mediterranian diet way.

What is the Mediterranean diet?

It is important to point out that the Mediterraean diet is not a diet program, nor a diet plan but a combination of healthy eating habits and lifestyle choices. The Mediterranian food diet is a traditional approach adopted by people from the Mediterranean - for example, Southern Italy, Portugal, France, Spain, Greece etc., There are at least 16 countries with as many diverse cultures, religion and diets within the vicinity of the Mediterranian. While food diets may vary between them, a common shared characteristic is their healthy eating habits.

The versatility of the Mediterranian diet make it an excellent example of how to eat healthily. Whether you're a meat eater or a vegetarian, the Mediterranian diet is a fitting option for your healthy eating goal.

This is because the diet of people from the Mediterranean consists of a high intake of cereals, grains, fresh vegetables, dried beans (legumes), olive oil, garlic, fresh herbs, seafood, and fruit. Although meat and poultry form part of the Mediterranian diet, these are eaten in moderation, with poultry being more favoured over red meats.

A further significant benefit of the Mediterranean diet is the absence of other forms of animal fats such as cream and butter. This is notable and contributory to the lower incidence of chronic diseases - such as cardiovascular disease and consequently, lengthened life expectancy of people following the Mediterranian diet.

Yet, while the Mediterranian food diet contains a high amount of fat, this source of fat is derived from olive oil - a monosaturated fatty acid that does not contain the cholesterol raising effects of saturated fats.

Types of food eaten on the mediterranean diet

You'll be pleased to know that for some of you, the foods you're already eating is perhaps not far removed from the Mediterranian diet. The Mediterranian diet is mainly vegetarian, with some meat and very few dairy products. It is low in the saturated fats, found in animal products and high in the monounsaturated fats found in olive oil. Olive oil is used for cooking and for salads, in place of margarine, butter and other common vegetable oils, which are high in saturated fats. The emphasis is on fresh, in-season and un-refined or processed foods.

Fruit and vegetable sources: Some of the benefits of the Mediterranian diet is that it consist of a high intake of foods from plant sources, including fruits and vegetables, potatoes, breads and grains - such as wheat, beans (legumes), nuts, and seeds. Wheat grain is used to make bread, pasta couscous and bulgur.

Unrefined grains/whole grains: provide a good source of fibre, which is nutritious and good for your health. Foods containing whole grains such as brown bread or brown rice are not only high in fibre and low in calories but are filling and satisfying.

Of particular note for vegegarians, is that grains are a good source of protein. However, vegetarians will need to supplement their diet with additional protein from other sources such as beans, peas and lentils, since grains alone will not meet all your protein requirements you would otherwise get from fish, shellfish or meat.

Carbohydrates: Mediterranean food also derives a rich source of carbohydrates from grains. Food that makes up this group include pasta, rice, couscous. Rice for examle is used for well known Mediterranian dishes such as risottos, paellas and pilafs.

Meat Sources: The Mediterranian diet consist of very little meat and especially - red meat, which is only eaten occasionally. Poultry is eaten in moderation.

Fish source: Small yet regular amounts of fish is consumed in the Mediterranian diet. Oily fish in particular, such as as sardines, have important health benefits and are a great source of omega-3, which is beneficial to heart health as well as boosting your immune system functioning.

Fats: Olive oil is the main source of fat in the Mediterranian food and cooking. Other sources of fats include low consumption of animal products such as low fat dairy foods of goat's cheese and yogurt.

Alcohol: Wine is taken in moderation and usually with meals - i.e. one to two glasses per day for women and men respectively. Moderate consumption of wine is in fact now recommended by the healthy eating pyramid.

Lifestyle Habits: An active lifestyle forms part of the overall Mediterranean healthy way of living. This includes keeping active or doing daily exercise such as walking.

"As soils are depleted, human health, vitality and intelligence go with them" (Louis Bromfield)

Self-Help: Mediterranian diet resources

Weight loss and weight maintenance doesn't have to be about drugs or diet pills that can wreak havoc with both your metabolism and immune system. To learn more about this Safe, healthy and effective way to eat, that is also an effective method of weight loss and weight maintenance - while at the same time providing your body with natural protection from heart disease and cancer, visit: Mediterranian Diet For Weightloss

Want to know more about the Mediterranian diet? Here are some Faq's (frequently asked questions).

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If you're confused by the different food pyramids and want to learn more about what they stand for Find Out Here.

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