The Benefits of Using Emu Oil for Hair Loss

by Donna Palmer
(Kailua, HI)

Current Health News Article

Benefits Of Using Emu Oil For Hair Loss

Emu oil is one of the best topical treatments for hair loss.

It has consistently produced positive results for men and women experiencing hair loss of all types. Some have even reported small amounts of new growth within weeks.

What is Emu Oil?

Emu oil is produced from the native Australian bird, the Emu. The oil has been used for many years by Aboriginal Australians for many different purposes including to soothe dry and burnt skin and to treat other skin problems.

Emu oil is much more permeable on the skin when compared to other oils. Which means that it is able to help other medicines penetrate the skin and work at the root of the problem. It can be used as a carrier for other hair growth medicines.

Properties of Emu Oil for Hair Loss

Emu oil is one amazing anti-inflammatory. We know that a large component of hair loss is due to inflammation. Anything that decreases inflammation on the scalp, will help slow hair loss.

There is a lot of evidence supporting the anti-inflammatory ability of the oil; it has also been used to ease arthritis pain, reduce muscle pain related to sports injuries, and decrease bruising.

This amazing oil has been shown to inhibit the enzyme that turns testosterone into DHT. DHT can be very bad for the hair because it can attack hair follicles and lead to balding.

This pathway is thought to be the reason for male pattern balding, and probably plays a role in some female alopecia.

Unlike other types of oils, emu oil will not irritate your scalp or your skin. It is also non comedogenic, which is why many women are also able to use it on the face as a moisturizer and to combat wrinkles.

Additionally, women have noted that they have thicker skin after use (which coincidentally tends to be thinner in those suffering from hair loss).

List of the Beneficial Properties of Emu Oil for Hair Loss:

- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-bacterial
- Anti-fungal
- Highly permeable
- Hypo-allergenic
- No side effects
- No odor or staining
- Non-comedogenic
- Speeds wound healing

Where's The Proof?

Well to be perfectly honest, we don't have "proof"... but we definitely have evidence.

There have been many clinical studies that support the above-mentioned properties. We'll review one couple below but for more information you can visit website of The American Emu Association. There you'll find several white papers available for review.

Dr. Michael Holick, MD, Ph.D. conducted a study at Boston University school of Medicine, which looked at hair growth in shaved mice. The double blind study topically applied the oil to shaved mice, and use corn oil as the control.

Dr. Holick found that where emu oil was applied, DNA synthesis (growth activity) increased by as much as twenty percent. He also found that the dormant hair follicles had been "woken up and began growing hair." It seems that in the emu oil was responsible for stimulating the hair follicles on these mice.

What Kind of Emu Oil Should You Buy?

Not all Emu oil is created the same. You want to buy the most potent and effective kind. This means that it must be processed correctly, or else the product can be almost useless.

Here are some tips to help you find the right kind:

  • Make sure that you buy oil that has not been contaminated by hormones, blood, or emu meat. You can do this by purchasing from a company that ensures that the bird has been handled properly.

  • Solvents, degummers, sodium hydroxides, should not be used in processing the oil. Top quality oils will not have been refined with these as they can remove other important substances.

  • No preservatives should be added.

    So there you have it, the many benefits of emu oil to help hair loss. Enjoyed this informative current health article? I would love to hear your comments!
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