Health Skill For Wellness Exercise

This health skill for wellness exercise and activites relate to your psychological/ emotional dimension of wellness.

It is designed to help you assess your degree of emotional wellbeing in each of the three broad categories of:

  • mental wellness
  • emotional wellness
  • intellectual wellness.

    Each of the categories will be approached seperately and will offer a brief overview, followed by some suggested health skills for wellness exercises you can carry out in your every-day life. There will be some overlapping of information across categories, as well as across some of the health skill for wellness exercise activities since these areas are very closely interrelated.

    health skill for wellness exercise: mental wellness activities

    Did you know that while the number of your brain cells will start to decline from you hit your mid-20's, research has shown that the number of connections between brain cells can continue to grow!

    This is of course dependent upon how well you continue to exercise and feed your brain with new material to stretch it.

    It has also been shown that people who remain mentally active well into old age are less likely to develop Alzheimer's. Using your brain more fully will stimulate it, encouraging the formation of new neural connections. So you see, it's really a case of 'not what you've got, but how you use it'.

    Learning to use your brain more fully, to maximise its full potential isn't difficult. By engaging in regular mental health and wellness activities, you will be giving your brain a thorough workout, helping you to stay mentally alert.

    The following health skill for wellness brain exercises, though simplistic, are some of the basics for achieving this:

  • Doing Crosswords one or twice weekly
  • Doing Puzzles once weekly
  • Reading - daily if you can
  • Improving your memory - any memorising activity

    health skill for wellness exercise: emotional wellness activities

    Emotional wellness comes in many forms and does not distinguish between the rich and poor etc., Money cannot buy emotional wellness, since its attainment is dependent upon the richness and quality of your life experiences and not upon the quantity/ trappings of a rich life.

    Happiness and joy is one of the basic universal emotions. Many people wrongly assume that money, a flash car or a luxurious home will bring them joy.

    However, the old saying that 'money can't buy you happiness' is worth its weight in gold; since, being wealthy have its own risks. Affordability breeds predictability.

    Without happiness and joy in the emotional dimension of wellness aspect of your ife, you will not enjoy roundness as depicted by the Health Womans Wellness Wheel.

    With a little know-how, you can learn how to increase your womans health and happiness quotient. You'll also find the health skill for wellness exercise and suggested activities at the end of this section helpful.

    Research shows that people who have a happy and optimistic disposition(regardless of their wealth status), and who laugh more in their day-to-day life, live far happier, healthier lives.

    You can actively promote your mental and emotional wellness using the following health skill for wellness exercise to improve your emotional state.

    The need for love, respect and caring are universal factors for nourishing emotional wellness. However, it is not just to do with self-love and self-regard but involves your demonstrating these qualities to your family's health and to other people - i.e. taking a healthy interest in their lives, their experiences, strengths, feelings etc.,

    what relationships would nourish you emotionally? Try this health skill for wellness exercise, using the Health Womens Wellness Wheel to help you consider your close personal relationships or those within your Social Network Dimension.

    Once you've targeted your most meaningful relationships, use this second health skill for wellness to assess each of these important relationships and to see the extent to which they are enriching you emotional wellness.

    In addition to the above health skill for wellness exercise, you'll find the following wellness activities most useful in helping to combat stress, as well as being calming and/or relaxing.

  • Make a point of laughing daily, share a joke with someone or just spend some quality time with your children. They have a great way of saying things that will put a smile on your face

  • Learn from your children or from other people, how easy it is for them to make you laugh and have a go yourself at trying to make them laugh too

  • Develop in your ability to express your emotions appropriately and honestly. Use your journal to help you develop this ability. It's usually easy to write down what you want to say on paper. Once you become more comfortable doing it this way, you can start telling people directly

  • health skill for wellness exercise: intellectual wellness activities

    Intellectual wellness calls for mental stimulation. New material, information and knowledge is food for your mind. Feeding your brain with more of what it needs will increase your levels of awareness and understanding, while strengthening your abilities and skills.

    As you will see from the health skill for wellness exercises below, intellectual wellness is as much to do with learning about challenging life situations, as it is to do with how you apply such knowledge and understanding. Your ability to learn from past experiences, to adapt, to employ coping mechanisms, to utilise safety and preventative strategies, is the essence of emotional intelligence.

    As well as taking an active interest in the people around you, learn from them and about them. What challenges are they experiencing in their lives? What are their interests? How might you (were you to be in their situation), manage and overcome the life events they're experiencing? You might find this Self Esteem Activity useful.

    What else can you now do to feed your mind? What one, two or three of the following health skill for wellness activities could you now take up, to enhance this aspect of your 7 dimensions of wellness?

    Why not make a start now by incorporating at lease two of these health skill for wellness exercises into your daily routine, to ensure a rich intellectual life:

  • How curious can you become? Don't just accept what you're being told! Ask questions and keep asking until you're satisfied. Have you ever noticed that when you ask a question, how the response help to generate several more you had not previously considered? Who do you know that ask a lot? Your children! They have already tapped into strategies for feeding their brains. Learn from them!

  • You can further expand the above health skill for wellness exercise by asking questions and wondering about the answers. This will stretch your mind too. Remember, journalling is a wonderful technique for self-questioning, gaining insights and building self-awareness.

  • Stretch your mind by reading a book, an article or a watching a documentary about something that takes you out of your knowledge comfort zone. This health skill for wellness exercise is about embracing intellectual challenges that are beyond you and will give your mind a rigorous workout.

  • Could you perhaps consider another health skill for wellness exercise such as taking up Yoga, or meditation? According to McDermott et al, 'over 30 years of research on Transcendental Meditation (TM) make it clear that this particular form of meditation certainly improves overall intellectual performance and mind/body functioning.
  • As you can clearly see, mental wellness, emotional wellness and intellectual wellness are three equally important categories that come under the umbrella of your psychological/emotional wellness dimension.

    The aim of this overview and health skill for wellness exercise, has been to highlight various factors within each of the above three emotional wellness categories. This has been with a view to help you assess which, if any of these areas or factors you may be neglecting, so you can begin the process of rebalancing this emotional aspect of your 7 dimensions of wellness.

    "Take control of your consistent emotions and begin to consciously and deliberately reshape your daily experience of life" (Anthony Robbins)

    Recommended Resources:

    Transcendental Meditation

    Health Skill For Wellness Exercise
    You might want to work through this additional emotional dimension of wellness exercise to assess where you are in this dimension of your life.

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    The information on this site is purely of educational value and is not intended to replace your seeking medical advice. You must consult your doctor over all your health concerns.

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