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A second reason that can be linked to diet weight control issues
in the Winter months, is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
Exposure to light has been found to increase serotonin production, a chemical reaction in the brain that leads to a feel-good factor, i.e. happiness and relaxation. When serotonin levels are low or depleted, some of the classic (SAD) symptoms can be experienced. These include increased appetite, cravings for starchy carbohydrates and depression, all of which can contribute to difficulty with diet weight control.
You can see how for many women, excessive weight gain - especially during the Winter months can become a diet loss weight issue in the Spring and Summer months. It is perhaps fitting to start off this series of healthy eating by looking at our eating habits during the colder, darker Winter months.
We're all especially prone to weight gain after the very many naughty treats and goodies we indulge ourselves in over the Christmas period. Occasional over indulgence or treating yourself to some of the less healthy foods is in reality, not a bad thing.
Healthy eating is also about eating the foods you particularly enjoy. The key though is balance, to ensure sustained diet weight control.
The aim of this article is to show you that with a bit of thought you can make a few small changes to the way you currently eat.
Doing so will still allow you to indulge in the comfort foods you crave especially over the Winter months but without weight gain or becoming highly anxious over a weight loss diet.
If like me you crave casseroles or stews with dumplings on those cold, dark Winter nights, you really don't need to deprive yourself. You can still enjoy them by replacing meat with beans or lentils in stews.
Alternatively, try adding vegetable stock or a very small amount of meat combined with larger quantities of beans or lentils. It will taste just as good yet contain far less calories that overall will contribute to your diet weight control plan.
If you're a dedicated meat eater, you can still eat more healthily by cutting back on your fat intake and opting for the leanest cuts of meat such as pork tenderloin, skinless healthy chicken breast.
You can also opt for healthy eating foods such as jacket potatoes, homemade vegetable soups, oats porridge, saucy pasta dishes and even a warming vegetable curry. Just be sure to use whole grain foods and cereals such as wholemeal bread, rice, couscous, pasta, pulses and vegetables.
These foods are made up of complex carbohydrates, an essential requirement for your overall diet weight control and healthy eating habit.
Complex carbohydrate foods will help you eat less, make you feel fuller and keep you satisfied for longer. Do also Keep snacks small and at regular intervals to ward off hunger. Healthy snacking is an essential part of your healthy eating habit that will help you with your diet loss weight control plan.
Even with a diet weight control regime, you can still satisfy your sweet tooth without fear of piling on the pounds. To help you on your way, you have at your disposal a free collection of diabetic recipe collection that is suitable for everyone.
Stewed fruit make superb hot desserts and as well as being an excellent source of vitamin C during Winter, are also vital for staving off colds and flu.
Alternatively, if you feel you're in need of a supportive network of like-minded people, you can join a reputable weight loss program such as Weightwatchers to help you lose weight the safe, healthy and effective way.
If you are affected by (SAD), then you'll want to target foods that are high in the amino acid 'tryptophan', which is responsible for the formation of serotonin. From a nutritional perspective, high protein foods that can help you, include meat, fish, nuts, eggs, wheat germ, walnuts, bananas etc.,
In any event, you must consult your doctor. Alongside regular physical exercise, one of the current treatment for (SAD) is light therapy.
You might also find this Beating Depression article a very useful read.
So there you have it. You can effectively address your diet weight control by eating sensibly over the Winter, thereby ensuring that weight gain, if any, is kept to a minimum.
Do also remember that for overall health and wellness, physical exercise - whether specifically for Weight loss or general health purposes, is an essential pre-requisite to your emotional, mental and psychological wellness.
"We never repent of having eaten too little.". (Thomas Jefferson)
Light Therapy For Seasonal Affected Disorder
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