Career Health Womens - Why Do you Do What You Do?
When considering how to achieve a career goal or career health womens choices are often limited through a variety of restrictions posed by their family/homelife responsibilities and commitments.
Or, is it perhaps also the case that women have allowed themselves to get caught up in the daily hustle and bustle, which understandably cause them to side-step the importance of their career health and
Is it now worth asking yourself why you have or have not made a
particular career option? In all likelihoold there will have been a whole sequence of
events that has led you to your current career health status.
But if you're not fully conscious of what has led you to where you are now, how can you even begin to focus on
making any meaningful change to the way you work, to move forward your career!
The aim of this article is to get you thinking about the various factors that are personal to you and, how they impact on your economic control, independence, flexibility and ultimately, your career health and wellness.
career health womens wellness
in the work place
If you're single and/or a full-blown career woman, a typical working day is likely to take up a significant part of your life. All the more reason that you should be getting the very most out of your career.
Whether you're married, single, divorced, in a relationship, or have children to support, you will have certain expectations
for your career health and wellness within your working environment. These expectations will go beyond your financial
security and job satisfaction. For instance, issues around change, work-related stress, your own flexibility and that of your employer.
career health - womens stress
The fast pace of 'change' and Workplace dynamics can put women under immense stress. Whether these relate to concerns about job security; worrying about not getting promotion; or even fear of not living up to expectation; when it comes to career health
women can find themselves locked into a pattern of repeating the same daily events which bring forth the same outcomes.
How women manage work-related issues will determine the level
of choice or control they feel they have over their work and career health.
Women who perceive themselves as having little to no control will more than likely experience the greatest stress, because they go along with the flow of change, with little comprehension of where they're heading or how things are likely to unfold.
Yet, ongoing changes within the working environment will incur ongoing choices having to be made by women. To maintain career health womens awareness and ability to to deal adequately with 'change', stress, strains and other implications in the work place will need to be developed.
career health womens choices
When we talk about career health and womens wellness all in the same sentence, it is easy to assume that this relate specifically
to womens health and wellness in the workplace.
Without doubt, everyone benefits from employer-emphasis on work-
based health and wellness, since such programs will not only lead to a more healthy, productive workforce, it will also improve
the overall quality of womens' working lives.
However, career health and womens wellness isn't just down to how well an employer enhance the working environment. It is
equally about the quality of womens' personal working experiences and the rewards and satisfaction they derive from their work or business lives. It is also about the quality time women are able to invest in the healthy practice of career goal setting
How clear are you about why you do the work that you do? Since
there are usually a number of factors at play when it comes to making choices about your work or career, these will more than likely be influenced by choice, necessity, or even a combination
of the two.
Some of these factors may well include childcare commitments, financial/economic reasons, caring responsibilities, a need for greater working flexibility or even personal ambition etc., All of these will be significant to maintaining a career health
woman's wellness
For instance, let's say that your goal is to get a job in senior management. What is it about a senior management post
that appeals to you? Is it 'status' or is your ultimate and most significant aim being that rising up through the ranks will ultimately earn you financial security? How important is your job description and job satisfaction?
When it comes to career health womens choice of work will account for the majority of their waking lives. So to ensure optimal health
and wellness, as well as career health - women will need to be sure they're making the right choices for themselves.
career health - womens motivation
You may have the ideal job that will guarantee you financial stability but how ideal is it really? To what extent will a hefty salary make up for the fact that:
Your job requirements goes against your personal values
Your job has you swimming with sharks
Your job makes heavy demands on you, affecting both your
physical, psychological, emotional and mental wellness
Your job commitments means your
social and/or home life are suffering
As you can see from the above, while the ultimate career health womens aim might be financial security, how bearable are the sacrifices you're making? Equally important, how sure are you that you've made the right choices?
In a nutshell, the answer you need to satisfy yourself as to your career health womens choice, is - does the end justify
the means? You'll need to give this careful consideration prior to
writing any of your career health womens goals.
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The information on this site is purely of educational value and is not intended to replace your seeking medical advice. You must consult your doctor over all your health concerns.
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