However, achieving a greater degree of control over your work life will determine the extent to which you can move forward with your career. The more information you have, the more of an informed choice you can make.
If you find yourself in a position where you need to career forward move; to make a much needed career change or even to kick-start your career health and wellness then it make sense to start walking instead of standing still - (and I don't mean that literally)!
Your work or career choices can make a huge impact on your working life. It is therefore important that you fully acquaint yourself with as much information about your employer as you possibly can. For instance, you'll want to know:
In which direction do you want to career forward move
Do use the Health Womens Health Wheel to help you assess where you are in this area of your 7 dimensions of health.
You will then need to direct some quality time and attention
to planning, career goal setting and reviewing your progress.
You will find all the material you need to help you
at Activity Goal Setting
Barriers to career forward move for Stay-at-home-moms
While some stay at home mums are completely satisfied with their lives and do not feel the need or desire for somthing more, others
will feel torn between the desire to be ever present for their children and the desire for a greater degree of control and independence over their lives.
It has already been established that in attaining
career health womens choices may ultimately be driven by necessity. This will more than likely be closely related to womens' responsibilities and roles of mother, carer etc., and will therefore be the primary factor that influence any career option or decision.
For instance, the reasons why women choose to be stay at home moms are as varied as are the solutions they subsequently use - such as
part-time work, work from home jobs etc., to generate a second and often much needed home income.
However, part-time work for stay at home mums can present just as great a challenge as having no meaningful work at all, other than caring for your family. A recent comment from a forum member sums up the reality for many part-time and stay at home mums:
"Part time work, which many mums do, is very dispiriting in my experience. And if you don't have a job, it can be hard to feel good about what you've done all day, even if you have been contributing to the procreation of the human race (ie changing nappies) etc.,"
The position is even more dire for stay-at-home moms, those working part-time who also happen to be single mums.
career forward move -choices
Regardless of current circumstances, to maintain work or career health womens' career forward move solutions will need to include strategies for tapping into their self-awareness; exploring thoroughly any career option; and goal setting with precision to achieve their career health goals.
Whether your career health and wellness aspiration or goal is to become the next super model; or to be head of sales; or to become a work from home mom; or to research an Internet home work income business or even to explore that career opportunity you've been thinking about, your career option, or career forward move goal will be dictated by the degree of autonomy and control you perceive you have over your own life.
You won't simply be handed 'control', you must learn to take control of your particular situation and explore all your available options - even when some of these may seem beyond your
If you are serious about a career forward move, or about getting the right job; or
working for yourself; or enhancing your chances of getting promotion; or even getting a job with better working conditions, you need to have a plan of action. This applies irrespective of your marital/employment status.
As with all goals, motivation or just wanting them isn't enough. And the old saying - "where there's a will there's a way", will most definately ring true. A commitment to a career forward move will spring from discipline.
You can begin your career forward move planning by gathering as much information as possible about the job, pay, home income or work conditions that you have in mind. Remember also that information allows you to make informed decisions and extends the choices you have.
You will also need to give consideration to the amount of time you will invest in yourself - i.e. say an hour each week that you will
spend on improving your work skills; or learning about you - what it is exactly you need and how you will further benefit
from your job; or even what knowledge, experience, interests, pastimes or hobbies you could develop into a
Work From Home, Part-Time or Full-Time Income.
More Career Health Articles
Career Health - Womens
How To Achieve Your Career
The information on this site is purely of educational value and is not intended to replace your seeking medical advice. You must consult your doctor over all your health concerns.
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