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Inside Insight, Issue #006 -- Health And Women Health Issues January 01, 2007 |
to January 2007 Edition of Health Womens' 'Inside Insight' Newsletter.
====== In This Issue #6 ======
1. Healing Thoughts, Healing Actions:
Depression - A Personal And Moving Account Of How
2. Living Fit: Weightloss Exercise - Here's How To Succeed With Your Weight Loss Exercise Goals in 2007!
Health Goals - Part 5 Of Your Personal goal setting
3. An Apple A Day - Healthy Eating Plan - How To Kick-start Your 2007 Healthy Eating
'Cooks Corner' - Part Two of 40 complimentary
4. Beauty And Beyond: Hypoallergenic - Learn
Topical Beauty Food Remedies and Tips
5. Looking Ahead:
Definition Of Self Concept - How To Nurture Your Healthy Sense Of Self
Would it surprise you to know that a definition of self concept - how you see yourself, will determine the results and outcomes you derive from your goals?
In the area of personal development, there is often a lot being said about the need to remain positive or to have a positive mental attitude (PMA). However, what is less talked about is the importance of your self concept and self-esteem and how these key factors directly influence your ability to maintain a positive mental attitude.
Without doubt, it is easy for anyone to remain positive and upbeat when things are going well. When they are not, or you feel you have little to no control over undesirable life events, it is a different story all together.
Get The Full Article And Definition Of Self Concept Exercise Here
You may recall in last month's Newsletter, I promised you a featured article on depression by an Inside Insight Reader. Well, here you have it. I strongly recommend you read Alan Hands' inspiring account of his personal experiences with overcoming depression. Whether you have personal experience of depression or you know some one who has, Alan's account is most certainly an eye opener.
By Alan Hands (January 2007) Happy New Year everyone! I really hope you had a great time over the festive season and that the new year brings everything you hope it will.
Sadly, for many people Christmas and New Year isn’t as joyful and triumphant as they would wish. Single people in particular, both young and old, can feel isolated at this time of year and even if you are surrounded by family and friends there can still be plenty of stress, anxiety, noise and squabbles to deal with. If you add this to the normal stresses and strains of our busy lives it is no wonder that calls to depression and suicide helplines rise by nearly ten per cent at this time of year.
There have been many studies of Clinical Depression and depression treatment, with just as many different statistics produced claiming that anywhere between 16% and 33% of people will suffer from depression at some point in their lives. Without becoming hung-up on the figures, it is plain to see that even using the lower estimates, EVERYONE at some stage in their lives will be affected by depression, either their own or someone else’s.
Unfortunately for me I became one of these statistics, having experienced symptoms of depression and later fell victim to Clinical Depression through a variety of reasons and circumstances.
At this stage, maybe I should introduce myself. My name is Alan and I am an ordinary person from the UK. This may come as a surprise to you – not that I am from the UK, but that I am a MAN! Yes, men do read this newsletter too!
I have an ordinary job, ordinary life and face the same ups and downs as many of you. Like countless millions of others I have had my share of good times and bad but never thought for one moment that I would experience symptom of depression, let alone fall victim to that ever increasingly common illness known as Clinical Depression.
I always prided myself on my laid-back attitude to life and couldn’t understand those people who got stressed about things, never mind those who suffered anxiety or even worse, those that got depressed.
What a shock to the system then that I became a victim of circumstances which saw me not only suffering from severe stress but which also led me down the path of anxiety and panic attacks - a symptom of depression, and ultimately to that dark place where I was medically diagnosed as suffering from Clinical Depression.
Read The Rest Of Alan's Success Article Here
Weightloss Exercise - 2 Key Factors That Will Help You Succeed With Your Weight Loss Exercise Goals
For real improvements in your health weight loss diet and weightloss exercise must be complimentary approaches if you want to achieve sustained results.
Along with a healthy eating diet, physical exercise is a key factor that affects your weight. A healthy body weight calculator or a healthy weight chart provide an excellent means of assessing whether you have a healthy weight for your height.
The health risks associated with being overweight or obese, are well documented. So too are the many health-related conditions that can arise from leading a passive lifestyle and not taking regular physical exercise. For optimal health weight loss diet and weightloss exercise must be part of your overall diet health to lose weight.
A good starting point is to learn what body weight is healthy for your height, age, and body frame. Your weight loss diet profile can easily be established with a healthy body weight calculator or a healthy weight chart.
Welcome to Part Five of your personal goal settings guidance for achieving goal setting.
How does it feel having your clearly written and defined personal goals in front of you? Wonderful hey! Well, today we're going to look at your goal objectives for achieving them.
Now that you have your personal goals in place, at this stage of your achieving goal setting guidance, you must also have a plan of action. That is, the smaller every-day steps or tasks you will now undertake toward achieving your personal goal settings.
The action plan guidance will take you smoothly and effectively through how to structure your approach to the actions you will take toward achieving your goals.
Access Achieving Goal Setting Guidance Part Five Here
For many people, over eating is more likely to occur during the Winter months. It is not unusual to find yourself craving more stodgy comfort foods. One reason for this, is being linked to the body's need to protect itself with an extra layer of fat; a former need that has been carried over from our 'hunter/gather' days.
A second reason is linked to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Seasonal Affective Disorder is a form of depression that is associated to shorter day light hours during Winter months.
Exposure to light has been found to increase serotonin production, a chemical reaction in the brain that leads to a feel-good factor, i.e. happiness and relaxation. When serotonin levels are low or depleted, some of the classic (SAD) symptoms can be experienced. These include increased appetite, cravings for starchy carbohydrates and depression.
You can see therefore how for many women, excessive weight gain - especially during the Winter months can become an issue. It is perhaps fitting to start off this series of healthy eating by looking at our eating habits over the Winter months.
Next month, we'll be looking at some of the other barriers you might experience with healthy eating, along with some practical solutions for overcoming them. For now though: Read The Rest Of The Above Article Here
A current effective treatment for (SAD) is Light Therapy. You can get further information by visiting:
Hope you enjoyed last month's free diabetic dessert recipes. As promised, there's a further collection of 40 new diabetic meal recipes for you this month. You'll be required to enter your password).
Healthy Eating Tips:
1. Health Benefit Of Sweet Potatoes And Yams
According to the source below, Sweet Potatoes and Yams are packed with more beta-carotene and vitamin C than carrots, more protein than wheat and rice and more fiber than oat bran. So go ahead and try some boiled yams and mashed sweet potatoes if you're hankering for stodgy comfort foods. They're good for you! (American Association of Retired Persons Bulletin) =========================
2. Cancer Preventing Foods
We all know that berries are rich in antioxidants but did you know that black raspberries are a fantastic source of ellagic acid. Ellagic acid has been found to be a killer of cancer cells in lab tests, according to Ohio State University cancer prevention specialist Gary Stoner. Black Raspberries also have more fiber than any berry and most fruits and has the highest number of cancer-preventing agents. Why not try some lightly stewed Strawberry, Blueberry, Gooseberry, Black raspberry as a warm winter dessert served with custard. Yum!
The mineral Zinc is vital for the growth and repair of your skin and for maintaining a fresh complexion. Zinc is also essential for the healing process as well as helping in preventing scarring and stretch marks.
If your skin is excessively oily, or excessively dry, or it is prone to infections or you heal more slowly than normal then you might have a zinc deficiency. The best way to counter a deficiency is to consume zinc-rich foods such as red meat, nuts and oysters. You can also introduce more zinc into your diet by taking a daily zinc supplement
Learn More About Zinc Supplements Here
Hypoallergenic - The Real Truth Behind These Types Of Cosmetics!
For many women with sensitive skin, the answer is to turn to what is commonly known as hypoallergenic cosmetic products. The makers of these products claim that they cause fewer allergic reactions than other cosmetic products, but do they? You will note from previous issues of Inside Insight, that there are no obligations on the part of cosmetics manufacturers to disclose what's in their cosmetics or even to substantiate their claims to the FDA or even to you.
With this in mind, 'hypoallergenic' can mean exactly what a cosmetic manufacturer want it to mean but what meaning does it hold for you? In a bid to opt for the 'safe' option, many women will turn their attention to products that claim to contain 'natural' ingredients. Don't assume that 'natural' is going to be safe for you either... since even 'natural' ingredients can cause allergic reactions.
Do your homework! If you have a sensitivity to animals, to certain plants or even to oils, the chances are that you will have an allergic reaction to cosmetic products that contain those ingredients. A common cause of allergies for example, is lanolin - which is derived from sheep's wool. Lanolin can be found in many cosmetic lotions and creams.
Learn How To Make Your Own Homemade Beauty Remedies And Recipes >
1. Honey Is Beauty Food Honey has long been recognised as having skin-softening and moisturising properties. In addition, one of honey's other properties is inhibine, a mild antiseptic, that is helpful for treating mild, acne-prone skin
Are you getting enough beauty sleep? While you sleep, your body has a chance to repair itself. Cells show increased production and a reduced breakdown of proteins. Proteins are the the building blocks for cell repair and growth. So during sleep, the repair of damage caused to your body from the stresses and strains of daily life and from the environment is taking place. Make sure you get enough deep beauty sleep!
Will Power Alone is not enough!
plus some practical solutions for overcoming them.
Plus much more....
Hope you've enjoyed this edition. Do look out for February's Inside Insight, which as usual will be of a similar high standard you have come to expect. In the meantime, I would appreciate you referring Health Womens 'Inside Insight' on to your family and friends. If a friend did forward this edition onto you and you like what you read, why not subscribe and get your own to enjoy the full Member benefits.
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As always, I welcome your comments, feedback and suggestions on how to improve this Newsletter, as well as your views on any other issues you would like to see featured.
Until then, remember.... "There is no giant step that does it. It's a lot of little steps" (Peter A Cohen) So...
"Don't grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be" (Clementine Paddleford)
Toodley doo!
Olga Graham
PS - Join Me In Making 2007 The Year You Remember...
Visit Alan's Self-Help Depression Self Help Site
Cleaning Out The Clutter/Live The Life You Love
Inspirational Quotes, Motivational and Philisophical Resources
Learn More About Homemade Remedies And Recipes >>
Healthy eating The Mediterranean Diet Way.
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All Master Cleanse Maple Syrup And Lemon Juice Diet Info
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©2007 Health Womens Healthy Living
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