Free Goal Setting Forms For You
I'm guessing you arrived here because you searched for or followed
a link for free goal setting forms or free goal setting worksheets. The fact that you have come this far shows a degree of commitment to wanting to change some aspect of your life in the New Year ahead.
I'm going to make a deal with you here; before I go any further and tell you how to get your personal goals settings form, I'm going to ask you to hear me out. Trust me, you'll thank me for it.
Now that you have taken that first important step to researching goal setting forms, what are you going to do with them? How are you going to use them to help you attain whatever it is you want to achieve?
There's a general consensus among many on-line webmasters, that when you give away something for free, the majority of people do not value what they've received because they did not have to pay for it. There's a strong possibility that the freebie will end up at the bottom of a pile somewhere - forgotten about.
Think about it! If you part with your hard earned cash to acquire something, the chances are that you will want to get value for your money. So, you'll more than likely put it to use rather than filing it away - right?. Well, I'm about to prove
that this isn't necessarily so, by asking you to bear with me a while longer.
Will free goal setting forms
help to strengthen your commitment?
Now, be honest - on a scale of 0-10, what are you going to do with your free goal setting forms and how committed are you to using your personal goal forms and free goal setting worksheets to start changing your life today? If you score less than 7, the chances are that your commitment level is not what it should be and sadly, the free goal setting forms will not help you. But please read on, since that will all change.
You see, you're probably one in that high percentage of people who are thinking 'a new year, a new start - I'm going to do things differently'. So, you tell yourself you really mean it this time. And what better way to show that you're serious than to research some personal goal forms.
But many people seldom do what they promise to do! You promise yourself that you'll lose weight, or make a definate career forward move, or start your own home-based business or even to obtain information on
how to achieve career goal setting, or even just getting hold of some free goal setting forms.
While these are all very noble personal goals, Surveys have shown that within two days of setting New Years resolutions most people will have broken them or they will have fallen by the wayside.
Your good intentions may be very short-lived for a variety of reasons, and this can end up making you feel worse when you find
your commitment or motivation has abandoned you. But take heart! There are good reasons why your New Year's resolutions or well-
meaning goals settings might not prove successful.
Here are some classic examples of why this might be.
Many people set goals or make resolutions based on what they think they need or on what other people think is best for them
People train their focus on the negative things they want to get rid of, rather than on the positive changes they want to bring in; on the negative habits they want to get rid of rather than on the positive qualities they want to nurture
Many people harbour unrealistic expectations about their achievements and may under or over-estimate their abilities.
(How do you know you can't cook eggs if you've never even scrambled some. Likewise, you cannot expect to climb Mount Everest if you've never even scaled a small hill).
People think that sheer willpower or motivation will get them through. Willpower and motivation is never enough and neither will free goal setting forms
What else is needed along
with free goal setting forms, Motivation, Commitment and Willpower?
Along with motivation, a deep commitment to change and your free
goal setting forms, you also need awareness and discipline in order to make long-lasting, meaningful change.
Awareness refers to you - and how you process and make sense of
your experiences - your insights. For example, when you say you want to lose weight, tell me now in one sentence and without hesitation, your reasons and what weight loss will mean to you! What are you prepared to consistently do to get it? How often are you prepared to do what you need to do? What else might you need to do? And what difference will it make to your life achieving it? This is the inherent 'discipline' behind any New Year's resolution or any personal goals settings activity.
When you're clear about your motives, you become focused; when
you're focused, you effectively strengthen your motivation; when your motivation is strengthened, your commitment deepens; when your commitment is solid, you take positive small steps (action); when you take action, you get results; your results rewards you and further fuel your motivation. Are you with me? Now how about getting rid of that 2007 New Year's resolution list (or even if it's the same one from the year before) and start with a fresh approach to your personal goal settings.
Whether your personal goal settings involve Weightloss, healthy eating, health and wellness or career or business goals, make 2007 a year you remember!
As promised, you can access your free goal setting forms along with a five-part goal setting guidance here. Do use the resource wisely - it will give you everything you need to achieve
everything you want and more. And remember, while these free goal setting forms and free goal setting worksheets are being offered to you completely FREE, bear in mind that the time it took me to do them is most certainly not.
"Last year I made a list of things
that I resolved to do...I'll use that list again this year...It's
still as good as new"??? (Unknown)
The information on this site is purely of educational value and is not intended to replace your seeking medical advice. You must consult your doctor over all your health concerns.
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